
get in touch

Tell us about your project...

We will contact you within 24 hours, to schedule a free consultation meeting at our Beirut’s office, or using your preferred online communication platform.

What you should expect during this meeting

Step 1: You will discuss your project with a senior Architect: your intentions and the ultimate goals.

Step 2: We will discuss the legal and contextual boundaries that may affect the design and the overall process, and we will answer your questions in that reference.

Step 3: We will present to you the available options and we shall discuss the way forward.

Step 4: You will receive within 48 hours a quotation detailing the scope and the related design/ consultancy fees.

Step 5: A follow-up meeting will be scheduled for further discussion.

Find us

Beirut . Lebanon | Hamra . Lyon street | Makki bldg . 1st floor

email us


Call us

+961 1 750276