Hashem Residence

Mount Lebanon, Chemlane, Lebanon
General Hashem Said Hashem
3’500 sqm

A private residence that reflects in its planning and volumetric the client’s taste and his will to adopt the Lebanese traditional central hall scheme for its simplicity and spatial qualities.
The distribution plan of the two floors villa adopts the central hall and splits it into a double-volume entrance and a main living area on the ground floor, and a circulation space and a family living suite on the 2nd floor.
Service spaces on the ground floor and bedrooms on the 2nd floor are, as traditionally is the case, gathered around the central hall.
The client’s wishes to create an indoor swimming pool directly accessible from the exercise area which dictated the added volume which has been tied to the main villa through the use of an imposing curved wall with arches on the main façade which has created a transitional external space covered with wooden pergola and glass, and acts also as a mean for creating privacy


Lead Architect